New TOEIC Skills
The book features a focus on the test and a focus on language. Students get practice in each section of the test in each unit. In addition to this test focus, the focus on language sections help students develop the skills needed to do well on the TOEIC test. The series has a strong focus on developing student listening skills and is ideally suited for students studying in East Asian contexts. Students receive instruction in naturally reduced weak-form English which will help develop their comprehension skills. All Abax books will come with codes attached to give students access to our AbaxLMS. This LMS will include all the audio for each book, plus our new eLearning system which includes: voice recognition, extended speaking, video, listening and vocabulary activities. All of which work cross-platform, across smart phones, tablets and computers.
TOEIC 350-750
A2 Key
Từ 15 tuổi trở lên
Detailed information
Exam Preparation
TOEIC Preparation
Abax Publishing
Exam Preparation

Exam Preparation
Listening: Students will learn to comprehend naturally spoken English, its weak forms, and reductions. Each unit has a section of analytical listening to help students understand the natural stress and rhythm of English – how vowels become weak, disappear, and link together
Vocabulary: Students will learn useful words related to different topic areas that are associated with the TOEIC® test, including: office routines, company organization, travel finance, property management, manufacturing, sales, entertainment, and so on
Grammar: An implicit approach to grammar has been taken, where activities in each unit act as springboards, which allow students and teachers to further explore elements of grammar
Output: Each unit has four output activities which help develop an understanding of the test and the language needed to do well on the test
Time pressure: Activities are timed to give students practice answering questions under pressure
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New TOEIC Skills 1 Student's Book (with MP3 CD & Online Practice Test)

New TOEIC Skills 2 Student's Book (with MP3 CD & Online Practice Test)

New TOEIC Skills 3 Student's Book (with MP3 CD & Online Practice Test)

New TOEIC Skills 1 Student's Book

New TOEIC Skills 2 Student's Book

New TOEIC Skills 3 Student's Book
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