Personal Best
Personal Best is a six-level general English course for today’s busy young adults who want to maximize their English language learning experience. It is developed with series editor Jim Scrivener, an internationally renowned teacher trainer and presenter. The course brings together his focus on practice as a driver of improvement for students and a 21st century course package with an integrated web-based video show and the Personal Best Language App.
There are two key ideas that power the concept of Personal Best:
It’s personal: The course focuses on students as individuals who learn at different speeds and have different strengths and weaknesses.
It helps learners achieve their best: To help students reach their full potential, we have focused on the vital role of practice. The course makes sure that students can actually take away the language they can use.
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Detailed information
ELT Book
Young Adults - Adults
English Coursebook

Language App


Resource Book


Digital Book
Personal Best brings practice in different dimensions until student master the language
For the breadth of one language point, teachers and students can find the practice exercises in Student’s Book, Workbook, Teacher Resource Pack, Personal Best App
For the depth, Student’s Book and Teacher Book offer more activities with extra challenge or extra -extra challenge
Grammar is taught in stand-alone lessons, separate from skills work
The pronunciation syllabus focuses on connected speech
Lexis is prioritized. Personal Best includes two or more vocabulary sets per unit
Above all, practice is given priority in the course
There is a comprehensive skills syllabus seen in the Listening Builder, Conversation Builder, Text Builder, and Skill boxes
Reading and listening pages are designed to develop learners' skills and strategies
Serious attention is paid to helping students speak and write more effectively
There are clear task goals and cumulative aims for speaking and writing activities
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