Amanda & Friends Textbook
Amanda & Friends is a new three-level preschool series that aims at exposing the students to English following a natural approach. It has been evaluated and approved by the Department of education and Training according to Official Dispatch 2441/GDĐT-MN.
Pre A1
Detailed information

Student's Book


Teacher's Book


Presents a range of opportunities for students to hear native speakers through songs, stories, chants, poster audios, IWB activities and videos
Helps develop important values, such as healthy choices, respect for others, understanding appropriate behavior, self-confidence, mathematical awareness and artistic self-expression
Develops the children’s multiple intelligences
Encourages students to ‘have a go’ and become active participants in class, without becoming the focus of your direct attention
Packed with ideas for creating fun and interactive lessons
The learning is topic based, with key content integrated into each unit. The content chosen is relevant to the children, appropriate for their age and their interests. Moving through the course they will gradually increase their exposure to English
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Tiếng Anh Amanda and Friends
Amanda & Friends là một bộ giáo trình mầm non mới ba cấp nhằm mục đích cho học sinh tiếp xúc với tiếng Anh theo cách tiếp cận tự nhiên. Đã được Sở GD & ĐT thẩm định và phê duyệt theo công văn 2441 / GDĐT-MN.

Tiếng Anh Amanda and Friends 1 - Student's book
Kinder 1

Tiếng Anh Amanda and Friends 1 - Workbook
Kinder 1

Tiếng Anh Amanda and Friends 2 - Student's book
Kinder 3

Tiếng Anh Amanda and Friends 2 - Workbook
Kinder 3

Tiếng Anh Amanda and Friends 3 - Student's book
Kinder 3

Tiếng Anh Amanda and Friends 3 - Workbook
Kinder 3

Tiếng Anh Amanda and Friends 1 Teacher's Book
Kinder 1

Tiếng Anh Amanda and Friends 2 Teacher's Book
Kinder 3

Tiếng Anh Amanda and Friends 3 Teacher's Book
Kinder 3

Tiếng Anh Amanda and Friends 1 Flashcards
Kinder 1

Tiếng Anh Amanda and Friends 2 Flashcards
Kinder 3

Tiếng Anh Amanda and Friends 3 Flashcards
Kinder 3

Tiếng Anh Amanda and Friends 1 Story cards
Kinder 1

Tiếng Anh Amanda and Friends 2 Story cards
Kinder 3

Tiếng Anh Amanda and Friends 3 Story cards
Kinder 3
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